The 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting was a joint meeting alongside the Australasian Society for Dermatology Research (ASDR) and the Australasian Wound & Tissue Repair Society (AWTRS) as part of the Cutaneous Biology Meeting from 29 October – 1 November 2018 at the Moreton Bay Research Station, University of Queensland. See the archive of the official website.
- Wound repair
- Skin cancer
- Tissue engineering
- Photobiology
- Vitamin D biology
- Inflammation
- Stem cells
- Cutaneous Biology
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission closes July 27.
Early bird registration closes August 31
Theo Murphy Travel Bursaries
As well as the MEPSA travel awards, there will also be travel bursaries available for EMCRs who have received their PhD within the last 15 years (excluding career disruptions) and doctoral students. Applications are due by August 12; see Australian Academy of Science site.