MEPSA provides travel support for students/early postdoctoral scientists/research assistants who attend either a stand-alone MEPSA conference or the MEPSA section of a larger meeting (e.g. AHMRC).
In recent years, MEPSA has been able to provide a number of travel awards to a maximum value of AUD$500, to cover travel costs for currently enrolled research students as well as junior scientists (see eligibility below). The closing date for submission of applications in 2018 is August 12th.
To be eligible to apply, you need to:
- be a student enrolled in a higher degree (Honours, Masters [by research] or PhD) at the time of abstract submission, OR
- be within five years of your highest degree minus career interruption (please provide evidence of carerr interruption), AND
- be a financial member of MEPSA, and register for the meeting as a MEPSA member (NB MEPSA accepts applications for membership at the same time as applications for travel support) AND
- have submitted an abstract with preference for an oral presentation at the MEPSA meeting.
Students/researchers from the host city/region are not eligible for travel awards. At the time of application, a copy of your abstract, your CV (including contact details of your supervisor) and a covering letter outlining your reasons for attending the meeting need to be sent to Secretary of MEPSA by email to secretary[at] (replacing [at] with @ in your email client).
Receipt of an award is dependent upon acceptance of your abstract for presentation at the meeting.