MEPSA offers 3 types of awards to research students and investigators in the early stages of their careers who present at its Annual Scientific Meeting.
The Kumar Award, named in honour of Prof Rakesh K Kumar, is for the best oral presentation by a postgraduate research student at the conference.
The Muller Award, named in honour of Prof H Konrad Muller, is for the best oral presentation by a postdoctoral researcher at the conference, dependent on the number of eligible presentations.
The MacPhee Award, named in honour of the late Prof Donald G MacPhee (obituary), is for the best poster presentation at the conference, dependent on the number of poster presentations.
AOCP 2015 Travel Award
In addition to the above awards, this year MEPSA will be offering generous travel grants to cover most of the successful applicants’ economy class travel and registration expenses to attend the 7th Asia and Oceania Conference on Photobiology (AOCP2015) to be held from November 15-18 in Taipei, Taiwan.
This award is open to students and early career investigators (<7 years post-doctoral) to attend this important regional meeting.
In addition, MEPSA will pay the registration costs for AOCP2015 travel grant recipients to attend our annual conference in early November.
Applicants must be MEPSA members and willing to give an oral presentation. Please send your abstract, CV, and a letter describing why you want to attend this conference to Shelley Gorman ( by July 1st 2015.